Tal’s Honey CSA is run by yours truly (Tal), with the help of many, many worker bees, and with permission from the kind people who provide space for my hives and their gracious neighbors (you know who you are!).

I’m Tal, originally from Israel. I’ve been in the Boston area for quite some time now. In 2012 I decided to enter the wonderful world of urban beekeeping. I started with two hives in West Medford. A year later the hives starting generating honey and lots of it, making me realize people might enjoy local honey, hence Tal’s Honey CSA was born in 2013.
Over time I installed some additional hives. I currently have eight hives in Somerville, Stoneham and West Concord (regrettably not in West Medford any more).
My Honey CSA works as follows:
- Prepaid CSA:
I make 20 shares available around January of each year. These are pre-paid shares for two pounds of honey (see below for pricing). I usually offer the existing CSA members to renew first, making the remaining shares available to non-members. The CSA shares typically get sold rather quickly.
Prepaid CSA pricing:
$25: Two 16 Oz jars
$27: Four 8 Oz jars
$30: 8 Oz of honeycomb, one 8 Oz jar, one 16 Oz jar - CSA Cash-on-Delivery:
Whether or not you’re a member of the prepaid CSA, before honey season starts, you can pre-order honey to be delivered during the honey season. The minimum of two pounds of total amount. CSA COD is open for registration until May 31st each year.
CSA COD pricing:
$7: 8 Oz jar
$11: 12 Oz jar
$13: 16 Oz jar
Honeycomb: $1.80 per Oz, in 4 Oz increments. - Purchasing honey after June 1st:
If honey is available, you can always purchase honey. Pricing:
$8: 8 Oz jar
$12: 12 Oz jar
$15: 16 Oz jar
Honeycomb: $2.00 per Oz, as available.
Honey is typically harvested between the end of June to the beginning of September. In any other times, the availability of honey depends on the honey remaining in stock.
Honey is only available for local pickup. My pickup location is in Somerville, by Davis Sq.